Generation of electricity from differences in atmospheric air pressure through communicating vessels.
Текущее состояние
Ecologically clean energy of the planet's atmosphere.
Решение (Продукт или Услуга)
Atmospheric power plant.
Generation of electricity from differences in atmospheric air pressure through communicating vessels.
I propose the idea of an electricity generating station, the operation of which is based on the principle of communicating vessels and the potential difference in atmospheric air pressure above each vessel.
On our planet, permanent areas of high atmospheric pressure are located at latitudes 30-35°:
1) two - over the Atlantic Ocean;
2) two - over the Pacific Ocean;
3) one - over the southern part of the Indian Ocean.
Also, high atmospheric pressure is inherent in the subpolar and polar zones.
I propose to connect through a pipeline these areas of high atmospheric pressure on the surface with areas of low atmospheric pressure on the surface of the ocean of our planet.
Due to the difference in atmospheric pressure in two areas of the planet connected by a pipeline, there will be a constant circulation of ocean water from an area of high atmospheric air pressure to an area of low atmospheric pressure.
Ocean water circulating in these communicating vessels due to the difference in atmospheric air pressure will generate electrical energy.
Целевое назначение инвестиций
Ecologically clean energy of the planet's atmosphere.