Фото - Index Systems LLC

Index Systems LLC

Index Hub - set of quick and automated analytical tools

Украина, город Киев
Отрасль: Информация и СМИ, Консалтинг, Услуги, сервис
Стадия проекта: Действующий бизнес

Дата последнего изменения: 21.04.2020
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Our team create new type of analytic service - a quick and automated software tool for information screening, fakes and information operations identifying.
It has helped to make decisions about communications, security and information issues.
We believe that the extension of the project to the EU and other global markets has a business perspective and social significance.
It is higly necessary to track and analyze information on the political, social and business environments.

Текущее состояние

Attack Index service is released on beta-stage of development. Early stage sales are done.
There are several tools which customers require within such systems: Information quality and reliability assessment; sites classification by parameters of trustworthiness and objectivity; automatic transcription of video and audio from TV and YouTube channels; the module of events forecast and their reflection dynamics within information environment is in development.
Now the opportunity for identifying of information resonance and threats is released in Attack Index service


Target groups: marketing communications and security analysts, crisis managers. The primary focus is on: media, banks and financial institutions, FMCG, IT and telecom, the oil and gas industry. Break-even point is reached at 50 customers for each country with an average purchase of $400.

Проблема или Возможность

Users of existing monitoring systems are accustomed to working with complex and information-constrained systems, focusing on processes. We need to convey users to analyze data using simple tools combined with the easy accessibility to its interface.

The system of indexes that give to the client opportunity to identify information threats, manipulations and fakes. The service use Big Data processing technology, a set of proprietary analytics algorithms and visualization tools. We use open sources, monitoring databases and data sets from online media and social networks. The development of the existing Attack Index service includes elements of forecasting, visualization of information dissemination and provision of script recommendations.

Решение (Продукт или Услуга)

Attack Index is a new software product designed to identify media attacks and information operations basing on mathematical methods, using Big Data analysis, capable to visualize the network of objects. Service avaliable in web-browser.
The Attack Index score is an integral indicator of information threat that takes into account general information activity, the activity of probable competitors, baseline value fluctuations, information operations in progress and their stages, the history and dynamics of negative publications and the degree of information process randomness.
Attack Index is based on search engine screening the text sources by the requested keywords, queried by the customer. User can add a number of parameters to the request. It analyzes the keywords appearing dynamics using analytic algorithms. The user gets a report with graphs and interpretation of results which includes information snapshot, sentiment, information activity, information operations, links and stability forecast.


There are many companies that provide media information collection and processing services. The search query on such systems should be strictly formalized and standardized according to the requirements of the search engine. Customers are accustomed to working with complex systems that are individually programmable. The user is limited to pre-programmed themes and keywords.
Services which involved in tracking media activity are Brand24, TheySay, LexisNexis, InfoGain, Meltwater Crisp, DigitalShadows, FactMata, JamiQ, Synthesio, Symplify360, Konnect Social and others.
They provide data for process communication. They have no analytical component other than individual manual work. They do not use mathematical tools to detect information operations, forecasting, manipulations and fakes.

Преимущества или дифференциаторы

Our system does not need to be further programmed and / or updated for any requested topics. The technologies used allow us to adapt flexibly to any new / international markets. We have analytical component, automated reports for users and first concepts for forecasting.


Over 200 users registered at attackindex.com with 300 activated orders are to form a sales funnel. The system proved itself well in political, social and advertising spheres.
Our next milestones are: Get 50 B2B clients, 1500 B2C for future sales till the end of 2019. Regional expansion to Baltic countries and EU countries as soon as we concentrate resources for it.
Some financial points and scenarios:
Return on sales (NP), 2022 - 2024 33%
Return on sales (EBITDA), 2022 - 2024 47%
EBITDA (Euro), 2020 - 2024 1 888 316,00
Return on equity (ROI), 2020 - 2024 19%
Lack of cash (quarters) 12
Net present value (Euro): 132 486,78
Internal rate of return: 37%
Net cash flow (Euro): €1 673 326,51
Necessary amount of financing for the project (Euro): 641 222,53
Sales income (Euro): 4 119 060,00
The average cost of a package per month for the entire period: 515,87
Period for the beginning of repayment of obligations from the quarter: 13
The entire amount of obligations is repaid in the quarter of the project: 17
Dividends will be paid starting from the year: 2024
The sum of operating expenses for 5 years (Euro): 2 463 244,17
Amount of capital expenditures (Euro): 310 000,00
Customers: 759


Service is available by subscription for 1 month. Prices start from $5 for personal users and to $1000 for enterprise access per month. There is possibility of individual work with large customers. Go-to-market strategy: Direct sales, cumulative sale for agencies, server solutions

Целевое назначение инвестиций

For the Ukrainian market, investments are needed to accomplish the priority tasks:
1. Registration of two trademarks for new indexes and registration of certificates for copyright works for them
2. Improvement and redesign of the user interface.
3. Launch of a new site index system, updating the current site of the service.
4. Integration of the developed event prediction module on the operational platform
5. Scaling for markets of EU countries

Предложение инвестору

Returning of investments calculated on amount and period of investing

Команда или Руководство


There are few other risks which we identify and ready working with: Poor culture level of scientific statistical methods in business analytics positions; Market development from scratch; Unauthorized use of a patent; Prolonged period of first sales.

Победы в Конкурсах и другие награды

Won at startup challenge at 6th festival of innovations: Sikorsky challenge 2017.
Attack Index at first place in the Opening Year nomination of the Telecom Ukraine Annual Competition


The system applies the patterns of typical information operations. The tool is scientific research-based and patented for Ukraine. Limited Liability Company is registered for Ukrainian market.

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