Фото - «Innovative POS technologies»

«Innovative POS technologies»

To create innovative products for the needs of retailers.

Украина, Киевская область
Отрасль: Общественное питание, Услуги, сервис, Другое
Стадия проекта: Готов прототип или продукт

Дата последнего изменения: 14.02.2020
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equalizer из 2000
Рассчитывается по оценкам и заполненности проекта (подробнее о рейтингах)
Моя оценка
Средняя оценка:


• Refusal from PC solutions
• Android OS, partly iOS, Win10
• Compatible with cloud-based application software, online and offline
• Integration with standard POS peripherals
• Compact and convenient cashier workplace
• An economic solution
• Focuses on the small and medium segment of trade and catering enterprises

Текущее состояние

The actuality of the developed solutions for the Ukrainian market.
After multiple participation in international European IT exhibitions, we have been convinced of the correctness of our solutions. Such budgetary solutions for automation of accounting and control in the segment of medium and small trade enterprises will be especially popular in connection with the adoption of Laws №128-ІХ and №129-ІХ dtd 09/20/2019 and expansion of the scope of cash registers. The idea of integrating a tablet with peripherals - thermal printers, scanners, scales, payment terminals, etc. - was implemented in the product line of solutions of the type of Doсking Station - (please check the link http://www.ipos-print.com/us/ ). An important feature of our solutions is the developed front office, which gives the Client the opportunity to connect to the back-office and support a wide range of peripheral equipment. Considering the connection to the fiscal server, our solution becomes optimal for wide distribution.
Within the framework of the Project implementation, the developed solutions will be updated, it is planned to prepare mass production by the end of 2020 and produce a constituent batch of products. The main product line - the Docking Station - allows introducing inexpensive solutions for automation of tradeenterprises, it is planned realization through the dealer network. In addition to the Docking Stations, a front-office will be established. It is also possible to create automation solutions for end Customers. According to preliminary market demand forecasts, we can plan quarterly production programs. Production cycle - 3 months. All production is planned in Ukraine, partly at our Partners, partly at our facilities. We assume expansion of the product nomenclature taking into account the needs of the market.


In many countries, there has been a steady tendency in the automation of accounting and control at retail outlets and the service sector for the transaction from expensive specialized POS systems to tablets.
In the USA, this process began several years ago. Million entrepreneurs replaced the old branded POS systems NCR, IBM with tablets.
This trend accompanies the development for retail and the service sector of a wide, functionally front offices. Taking into account widespread development of the network boutique business, it became necessary to create a specialized back office to integrate information and manage a network of boutiques and retail objects.
In a number of European countries, modern «cloud technologies» for retail are being deployed with the possibility of creating specialized fiscal servers in tax departments and the ability to connect from a tablet and smartphone with special software instead of acquiring cash registers and settlement operations recorders.

Проблема или Возможность

In many cases, our solutions replace the expensive POS System - namely, integrating a tablet with peripherals and a front- office. Dedicated Device - Docking Station that can contain a built-in printer provides data exchange between the tablet and the periphery, printing checks, transferring data to the server. Non-standard peripherals can be connected. With the old technology, it was also necessary to connect a fiscal registrar to the tablet, which significantly increased the cashier's workplace. With the adoption of the new legislation, the refinement of our technology allows us to create a budget software registry and a fully functional accounting system for the trading company.

Решение (Продукт или Услуга)

Docking Station - is an intermediate device between the tablet and POS-periphery.

It is thanks to Docking Station, the application software, which is installed on the tablet, may communicate with external peripherals.


Our main competition in the Ukrainian market.
SystemGroup is a leading company in automation of supermarkets. They produces cash registers and fiscal registrars.
The company "Resonance" - produces specialized fiscal registrars for automation of filling stations, exchange offices, offers POS systems for automation of stores.
Help-Micro Company–specializes in the production of cash registers and fiscal registrars.
The company "Unisystem" - is engaged in the production of cash registers and fiscal registrars.
We do not have information about the developments of our competitors in our proposed segment. In 2020, competitors are able to create software PPO solutions, but will not be able to develop equipment similar to our products. In the short term, it is impossible to repeat such solutions. We claim to be a 5% target segment of the automation market. If competitors do not have time to prepare technical solutions for new technology, then we will have a real chance to increase our share.

Преимущества или дифференциаторы

Modern technical solutions.
In many cases, our solutions replace the expensive POS System - namely, integrating a tablet with peripherals and a front- office. Dedicated Device - Docking Station that can contain a built-in printer provides data exchange between the tablet and the periphery, printing checks, transferring data to the server. Non-standard peripherals can be connected. With the old technology, it was also necessary to connect a fiscal registrar to the tablet, which significantly increased the cashier's workplace. With the adoption of the new legislation, the refinement of our technology allows us to create a budget software registry and a fully functional accounting system for the trading company.
Modern mobile devices allow establishing a full-fledged front office for automation of a shop, cafe, restaurant. But such devices do not communicate with the printer, scanner, terminal, etc. Our innovative developments, coupled with the introduction of the latest cash registers, will enable customers to automate seller accounting and control at the workplace with minimal cost. We can integrate a client with multiple outlets through a cloud service - with the ability to maintain a single database, centralized pricing, and operational control over trading reporting. We will provide a connection to the fiscal server.
Factors of innovativeness:
- innovativeness of conception of products;
- originality of engineering design for the product line;
- the latest electronics for various segments of trade;
- development of firmware taking into account the specificity of protocols of different peripherals;
- Android front office with cloud storage .
The introduction of the latest cash register requires a front office and product line. The innovativeness of the solutions is confirmed by the Utility Model Patent N92997 - an original solution for creating POS systems;.
Main characteristics of the solution:
- Unique and original designs of integration and mounting of the tablet;
- Unique applications and firmware;
- One of the first to develop the concept of POS-based tablets;
- Tablet and Docking Station communication simultaneously enables charging and data transfer.
- Together with the latest technologies, cash registers will allow the launch of unique products that will replace the old fiscal decisions, will create an alternative to standard expensive POS-systems. - Our solutions will allow customers to save significant material resources when implementing automation of the point of sale.


Flexible monetization system is provided, depending on the product line and customer preferences. When implementing the front office: - subscription model - a month of use for free with the subsequent purchase of a license. - Purchase a license - a one-time license purchase (possibly for a limited period, with additional surcharges and upgrades). - Freemium- free use of limited functionality, followed by a paid upgrade. - Monthly subscription fee. When implementing the product line through the distribution network and end customers - the margin of sales. A discount system has been created for distributors.


Obtaining investments would help our company to complete the batch production in the shortest possible time. Preparing our distribution network for the сash registers, organizing regional presentations and providing sample products.
2021 - the growth of cash registers, the explosive introduction of the newest cash registers. Creation and adjustment of production facilities.
2021-2022 - replacement the old Micro-POS solutions with new products (2-4 thousand outlets).
2021-2023 - automation of enterprises selling jewelry, which in the Ukrainian market more than 10 thousand.
2024-2025 - work in the market of Ukraine, opening export markets.
The sales plan for 2021-2025 is provided in the Finance section defines the timing of the introduction of new technology and a list of groups of entrepreneurs who are obliged to use cash registers for accounting and control of cash payments.

Целевое назначение инвестиций

Investments are planned mainly for the upgrade of previously developed technical and software components of the Project, preparation of serial production, purchase of components and ensuring an uninterrupted series production cycle for two quarters.

Предложение инвестору

Expected volime of the initial investments is from 400 thousand USD to 1 mill USD.
Investments are planned mainly for the upgrade of previously developed technical and software components of the Project, preparation of serial production, purchase of components and ensuring an uninterrupted series production cycle for two quarters.
We considered the minimum investment variants in the amount of 400 thousand USD, with an annual partial return on investment for 5 years with an average profitability of about 10%. The Business Plan can be significantly expanded in the future both from the side of attracted investments and, accordingly, in the volume of production and sales of products. At the same time, we envisage reinvestment in developing business with the expansion of the list of new developments in the IT segment.
We also offer a long-term partnership option in which the investor enters into the founders of our company «UNITEK SYSTEM» LLC with his investments, while an increase of up to 17-19% is possible.
At the end of each year, in accordance with the schedule, there will be a partial return on investment and a deduction of partial profit.
The project is planned for five years with an average annual minimum profitability for the investor of about 10%. With an increase in sales volumes of more planned products, the profitability will be counted upwards

Команда или Руководство

Прохождение Инкубационных/Акселерационных программ

Our Project was included in the top ten priority IT projects approved by the Startup Fund under the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

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