The aim of UPorter is to change the process of delivering goods by connecting everyday Travelers with Mailers who want to send a package
Текущее состояние
- We are seeking an investment of $150K for product development and first year of operations
- We plan to connect to 20K students, leveraging Erasmus program participants and target migrants working in foreign countries for an average of 2 trips per user and a total 40K trips
- We expect an average $4 commission/ trip, for a revenue of no less than $160K in the first year of operations
Проблема или Возможность
Postal service are:
1. Expensive and rising prices pushing people out of the market (driving down post volumes)
2. Low level of service (limited opening hours, inability to track lost mail, no communications with travelers)
3. Slow delivery – non-express services take weeks to deliver packages
4. Large part of market operating in the shadows – leading to inefficiencies and lower level of security for mailers
Решение (Продукт или Услуга)
1. More affordable transport due to larger number of travelers
2. Easy to use and beloved by customers (e.g., connect with traveler in real time, 24/7 availability, three-click sending etc.)
3. Use the quickest and most direct connections to avoid bottlenecks and deliver packages in days, not weeks
4. Shadow transport normalised with provision of ancillary services (e.g., insurance, financing, telco offering)
Travel Post, Express Courier Services, National Postal Services, Roadie
Преимущества или дифференциаторы
1. Automated itinerary import
2. Ease of Use
3. Customer Protection
4. Automatically Translated Messages
5. Package Protection
Целевое назначение инвестиций
Product development and first year of operations in order to break even.