Фото - fakturAI


AI Bookkeeper

Украина, город Киев
Отрасль: Услуги, сервис, Искусственный интеллект
Стадия проекта: Готов прототип или продукт

Дата последнего изменения: 06.01.2025
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fakturAI is an artificial intelligence-based solution that automates invoice and receipt processing. Our platform optimizes routine accounting tasks, reduces errors and saves time for business. Through the integration of advanced AI models, fakturAI ensures accuracy and compliance with financial standards, making it an indispensable tool for improving the efficiency of financial processes.

Текущее состояние

fakturAI is a ready-made accounting automation solution specifically designed for cafes and restaurants. The system has already implemented key functions: OCR for reading documents, a powerful search engine, as well as integration with popular platforms such as Smartkasa, Poster and Checkbox.

Currently, the product is being actively tested in cooperation with a number of catering establishments and PRROs. This stage allows you to get valuable feedback, which contributes to the further improvement of the functionality. The launch of the first sales is scheduled immediately after the completion of testing. The success of sales through partner platforms will determine the scale of the customer base and the further growth of the project.


Portrait of the client - owners of SMEs - cafes, restaurants, kiosks, wholesale companies. Their main problem is the time they spend on accounting. Their business usually does not have a large staff of accountants and needs intuitive tools to automate processes.

The market for fakturAI has great potential. Given the trend towards digitalization and automation of accounting, there is a significant demand for such solutions in the SME market in Ukraine and other CIS countries. The number of potential customers in Ukraine is estimated at hundreds of thousands of enterprises, many of which can use the services of automated accounting.

From a global market perspective, accounting automation is a rapidly growing industry. The global accounting automation software market is estimated at $20bn and continues to grow. International forecasts for an average annual growth of 10-12%.

Проблема или Возможность

Our client is owners and managers of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of catering. Usually these enterprises face the problem of accounting due to limited resources, lack of specialized personnel or knowledge in the field of accounting. This leads to loss of time, errors in financial reporting and difficulties with tax accounting.

fakturAI solves these problems by offering an automated platform that simplifies financial accounting and document management. Integration with systems such as Smartkasa, Poster and Checkbox makes it easy to collect and process data. Thanks to the OCR function, documents are read automatically, and the search engine ensures compliance with the item.

The problem is confirmed by surveys of entrepreneurs who note that they spend their time on accounting every day, although they could do more important tasks. That is why they are ready to buy a solution that will simplify this process.

What makes our product attractive:

Ease of use even for users without accounting knowledge.
Reducing the cost of specialists and avoiding financial mistakes.
Saving time on routine processes.

Решение (Продукт или Услуга)

fakturAI — це інноваційна платформа для автоматизації бухгалтерського обліку, створена спеціально для кафе, ресторанів та інших закладів громадського харчування. Наш продукт поєднує сучасні технології зручності та ефективності, дозволяючи вирішити найболючіші питання обліку та фінансової звітності для малого та середнього бізнесу.

Основні можливості та функції:

OCR (оптичне розпізнавання символів): Завдяки цій технології платформа автоматично оцифровує документи, наприклад чеки, рахунки чи акти.
Інтеграція з популярними системами: fakturAI працює зі Smartkasa, Poster, Checkbox та іншими системами, які використовують наші клієнти, забезпечуючи автоматичний обмін даними.
Пошуковий механізм: Потужний інструмент пошуку допомагає швидко знаходити потрібні позиції, забезпечуючи їхню відповідність номенклатурі клієнта.
Автоматизація рутинних процесів: Програма автоматизує складський облік.

Як це працює:
Користувач завантажує фото. fakturAI автоматично зчитує дані, сортує їх та формує внесення постачання. Всі операції виконуються швидко, а дані зберігаються в захищеному хмарному середовищі.


Direct competitors for fakturAI are in-house primary accountants

Преимущества или дифференциаторы

Integration with PRRO and POS-systems allows you to automatically read and process financial documents without entering data manually, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors, which is especially important for small and medium-sized businesses.

Using AI to automatically categorize documents reduces the human factor and improves accounting accuracy. The intuitive interface allows you to use the product without deep accounting knowledge, which is convenient for business owners without specialized accountants.

The scalability of the product allows you to adapt it to different types of businesses, languages, and countries, which provides an additional competitive advantage.

The cost of one check is only a quarter of a cent, the cost for the client is 1000 times more, but it is still several times cheaper than hiring a person.


Our core business model is to subscribe to software that provides a stable revenue stream. We offer different levels of subscription depending on the scale of the business, which allows us to meet the needs of both small cafes and large wholesale companies. In addition, additional services are provided, such as system personalization and technical support, which generate additional income.

We plan to attract customers through partnerships with PRRO and POS-systems, which will integrate our product into existing solutions for accounting and sales. This will allow you to quickly attract new customers among SMEs using these systems and offer them a simple solution for automating accounting. Such partnerships can reduce marketing costs and effectively expand the customer base through partner channels.

Целевое назначение инвестиций

Product development and improvement: Investments will be aimed at improving functionality, integration with foreign systems (Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Square), as well as improving artificial intelligence technologies for more accurate processing of documents and expanding automation capabilities.

Marketing and Customer Acquisition: To actively promote the product and attract new customers through advertising campaigns.

Team expansion: Hiring additional specialists for product development, marketing and sales to ensure an appropriate level of customer service and business development.

International expansion: Costs of adapting the product to the specifics of different markets and regulatory requirements, as well as marketing campaigns and localization.

Infrastructure and technical support: Updating and maintaining the server infrastructure to ensure the smooth operation of the product, as well as improving the data security system.

Investments will help not only cover these costs, but also create the foundation for rapid scaling to new markets and improving our product.

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