Фото - Jobey App

Jobey App

Service for direct contact of employers and employees around

Украина, город Киев
Отрасль: Интернет и ИТ, Услуги, сервис, Мобильные приложения
Стадия проекта: Есть идея или наработки

Дата последнего изменения: 22.11.2022
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Service for the market of working personnel. Workay will allow anyone in the world to find a job or an employee in their business. In 3 clicks. No resume. Without knowledge of the language. Safely

Текущее состояние

The project is at the idea stage.
Conducted surveys of the target audience
Developed methods to attract users
The mechanics of the application has been worked out
Developed ways to monetize


1. Users who are looking for work abroad (segment without monetization)
2. Business representatives in developed countries who are looking for staff from other countries (monetization segment)

Проблема или Возможность

The real shortage of labor resources in Poland and EU countries. Specialized agencies do not cover demand and are not affordable for small businesses
There is a growing tendency to recruit workers from the countries of Southeast Asia and Africa.
The language barrier is not a problem, most firms have coordinators or working native speakers of different language groups

Решение (Продукт или Услуга)

Direct communication between the employer and the employee. Without intermediaries. No language barrier. We do not break anything. The service will also include agencies (and they will be the first to enter), property owners, etc. The service protects employees from unscrupulous employers, an internal system of reviews and ratings is planned The service is free for job seekers. The business pays for the subscription model or when the worker arrives.


Since the global trend abroad is growing, and the technical capabilities already allow us to implement a similar solution, we consider the risk of competitors to appear high. Today, the problem is solved by the classical method of local and network intermediaries (agencies), which can no longer satisfy the demand and has a number of disadvantages.
It is oligopoly, if you take into account large international players (for example, ManPower agency, which has offices in 82

Players in the market do according to the principle:
- opening of regional branches in countries
- conclusion of contracts with local employers and closing of volumes for giving labor force
The most popular payment methods:
- employment of an employee on the side of the Customer. The agency receives payment for an employee who has worked
2-4 weeks
- outstaffing (the agency arranges employees for a certain hourly rate, the agency's income is the difference between the
employee's rate in the Customer and the agency's rate.
Along with the safety of such relationships for the employee, this format of work has the following disadvantages:
- local branches can only work with regional employers
high overhead costs lead to high agency rates, which makes its services unavailable to the SMB segment
this format of relationships does not guarantee 100% protection from unscrupulous employers and workers. The target
audience has a growing demand for personal communication in an online format

We offer a new solution to old problems (differentiation marketing).

Преимущества или дифференциаторы

Benefits for employers
- Agency services are too expensive? The application can be used for free, and you pay only when the
employee arrives at your company.
- Increase the credibility of your company among applicants by adding documents that confirm your
- Do you have many vacancies? Then you can significantly save on the tariff with a monthly subscription.
- A vacancy is created in 5 minutes. You do not need to waste time translating - the application will show it
to applicants in their language
- A huge database of contacts of people from all over the world, collected in one place, who are looking for
work in your country right now. Just write them a chat, messenger, or make a video call
- Do not trust agencies? Talk to the applicant personally, ask questions, and decide if you need such an
- Spam protection. You see the resume offered to you and personally confirm the provision of your
contacts to the applicant / agency. It is also possible to place Selected contacts in the Black List

Benefits for employment agencies
- A huge database of contacts of people from all over the world, collected in one place, who are looking for work
in your country right now. Just write to them in chat, messenger, or call
- Increase the credibility of your company among applicants by adding documents that confirm your company
- A vacancy is created in 5 minutes. You do not need to waste time translating - the application will show it to
applicants in their language
- Now you do not depend on agents, do not spend a lot of money on advertising and endless posts in groups
and chats. You do not "shoot in the air", but make an offer to a specific person
- Thanks to the chat with a built-in translator, you can negotiate even without knowing the language and having
a coordinator
- Tired of processing inappropriate requests? Find the right people by different filters - the minimum rate per
hour, the region of the search, the country of the applicant, the availability of the necessary documents and
many others.
- The application can be used for free, and you pay only when the employee arrives at your company. Do you
have many vacancies? Then you can significantly save on the tariff with a monthly subscription.
- Spam protection. You see the resume offered to you and personally confirm the provision of your contacts to
the applicant

Benefits for Job Seekers
- Simple and clear interface. No torment with heaps of text. Just choose the information you need from the
ready-made options. 3 minutes and the summary is ready! Everything else - discuss if necessary
- Now you can contact employers from all over the world directly in 5 minutes. All vacancies will be in front of
your eyes in the language you need!
- Fraud protection - all employers are checked during registration
- Now you do not need to buy a "pig in a poke". Ask all questions to the employer directly in Viber, Telegram,
WhatsApp - by text or during a video call. Or use the internal chat with a built-in translator.
- Have you agreed on a job and are you packing your bags? Confirm the deal in the app and get $10 credited
to your card immediately after the employer pays the commission.
- Recommend our application to friends and acquaintances who are planning to work abroad - and get $10 for
everyone who finds an employer in Workey!
- Protection of your data. You see the proposed vacancy and confirm the provision of your contacts to the
employer. It is also possible to place Selected contacts in the Black List


Monetization. Preliminary - $50/month subscription fee. (tariff 1)
Or 45 USD. payment for the received employee (Tariff 2)
Under such conditions, the service, attracting 1,000 companies, can receive $50,000 monthly under a
subscription Tariff 1, or $135,000 under Tariff 2 (if each of the companies finds 3 employees for itself)
The prospects are much greater - tens and hundreds of thousands of companies around the world.

Целевое назначение инвестиций

1. MVP development ($100 000)
2. 1 round marketing campaign and refferral payments ($25 000)
3. CEO sallary ($25 000 to the end of 2022)

Предложение инвестору

Share in the company 4-5%

Команда или Руководство


Фото 1 - Service for direct contact of employers and employees around
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