Many people fail to learn English via different apps due to lack of personalisaion. I want to create a platform where they could live real life as characters in the game the Sims do. It made me attached to the screen when I was a child.
Текущее состояние
I have just considered the idea as long as I have little understanding of technical realisation
Проблема или Возможность
help people love and learn English and gain their goals with the help of it
Решение (Продукт или Услуга)
the man enjoys the studying process as it's funny and personalised, it's a game where he can learn and not to spend time with rules or grammar, it's just about practice
duolingvo for example, but this idea is a principally new one
Преимущества или дифференциаторы
competitors provide boring platforms and the customers quit them in a few months
this game will last years
not sure
create a promo version
test the market
make conclusions
fix the bugs
create full version
Целевое назначение инвестиций
creation the app for pc, adnroid and ios
Предложение инвестору
looking forward to your suggestions, I am pretty flexible in the quiestion