Фото - Nutis


Automate all manual processes connected with food control

Украина, город Киев
Отрасль: Интернет и ИТ, Пищевая промышленность, Гаджеты, Искусственный интеллект, Мобильные приложения
Стадия проекта: Есть идея или наработки

Дата последнего изменения: 04.02.2020
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To create a complex solution using AI to make processes of writing down all data about food automatical. We add consumed calories after scanning food by overlay on glasses and we control burned calories by fitness bracelet. After receiving this data we built graphs and give personal recommendations.

Текущее состояние

1. The first prototype of the working neural network;
2. Beta version of the mobile app (the first available version for the consumer will be at the end of February);
3.Well-planned half-year development vector;
4. Contacted with potential clients;
5. 13 people working on the project


NUTIS is directed towards two target audiences. The first is sportsmen and people who want to lose weight as it becomes extremely popular. Based on production statistics from Play Market​ ​, we estimate NUTIS to be integrated instead of the usual mobile app for diet and food control or fitness bracelets over the next 2-4 years. However, this is a conservative estimate, given that worldwide car manufacturing is a booming trend, with over 10 million downloads for each app and more than 100 million people who use fitness bracelets or special equipment. Our percentage range indicates that we should be able to equip as many as 50 million people by NUTIS upon maximization of our market ceiling. The second primary market is people with diabetes or any other illness that require strict food control. In 2017, the Healthline​​ estimated that there were more than 29.1 million people who suffer from illnesses such as diabetes in the USA. Two in every three sick men are typically using browsers to find necessary information about a certain food, for instance, they need to know the amount of sugar in a product and after searching consumer needs to know if it does not have a harmful effect on health.

Проблема или Возможность

According to THEDIABETESCOUNCIL.COM​, in 2016, only 14% of people continue to follow a diet after the first month. The main mentioned reason is the lack of time for searching for full information about food. Calorie counting became extremely popular but it still very hard and customers need to enter everything in the app instead of Google Chrome or Safari. That is the reason people lost time manually searching and filling data about their nutrition. After speaking with people with diabetes and discussing problems they are facing in real life we found out that they spend a lot of time searching and browsing information about sugar in a certain dish, they said that it is especially hard when a meal includes different products. Another problem they facing is exotic dishes, for example when customers are traveling they do not know regional food and all the specifics of these products.

Решение (Продукт или Услуга)

There are two planned complexes for consumers.

The first NUTIS complex consists of overlay for glasses and fitness bracelet. The second includes only bracelet pro version but functional is pretty the same. As an addition to each complex, we have created a mobile app for Android.

First complex​ :
1. Bracelet - simple bracelet with a flexible corpus created fr om silicon and have some functions as MiBand - counting calories (only activity) and has heart rate activity control. So it vibrating if the pulse is extremely higher than the normal value.
2. Overlay for glasses - the overlay that can be worn with any rim, it is attached by flexible rubbers bands. The overlay has a display, a sensor button, a camera, and a system with mirrors. When the user presses the sensor button, the camera takes a picture of the food that is located in front of the customer. This frame is sent to the server wh ere the pre-learned neural network detects food and give full necessary data about products. This information is illustrated on the lens in front of the eye of the person.

Second complex​ :
1. Bracelet PRO version - includes all functions as a smartwatch so it has a touch screen, simple NUTIS bracelet but it also has a camera on a belt, so the customer can take a picture and get data on the screen.

Mobile APP​ :
Consists of full registration that include formal registration: email, password and full name and informal registration for constructing a good diet: goal weight, current weight, and height. The user also can mention that he has his own diet in registration, so the customer will be able to write it in our app. A person can be registered as a simple user or as a trainer. The main body of the NUTIS app includes Daily report, Monthly report, Food track, My diet, Food identification, and Settings screens. The app collects data from bracelet and overlay, this information is illustrated in graphs in Daily report and Monthly report screens. Food track screen shows all the food that was consumed in the current day, it includes a table with calories, weight and food labels. In My Diet screen, users can see and correct a full diet for every day. Customers can get data about food by taking a picture on the screen called Food identification. The consumer can sign out, change the language, count BMI or open QR code/QR-code scanner. If the user has registered as a trainer, he can scan the QR code of another user and he will have access to all data about consumed food.


There are two main types of our competitors - fitness bracelets and mobile apps:

Mobile app example - Lifesum

Fitness bracelet example - Mi Band

Преимущества или дифференциаторы

Our product is unique due to its functional to be implemented, we purpose new possibilities in our app, such as QR-code access to food history. Also, we implement smart glasses by solving the problem of human privacy by not saving taken pictures. The project has upgraded all diet systems by launching the fastest and easier way of receiving all nessesary information about products. We have already launched a poll and have collected about 85 votes. The poll consisted of three questions: Rate idea (1 - 10), Rate price (1 - 10) and “Will you buy NUTIS?”. On the first question, 85,19% of people answered 8-10 and it means that people are interested in our startup. On the second question, only 54,32% of people answered 8-10 so we provided some changes in price policy and also have launched some discounts. The main third question showed that 9,88% will certainly but our complex, 51,85% will probably buy it and 33,33% said that our project is not necessary for them and other 4,94% said that they definitely will not buy it.


For the first year, our complex estimated to be sold as a physical gadget in stores such as Rozetka or Amazone. The price for the first complex is 350 $ it is for a year guarantee and half a year of using all functions of our app. The second complex will cost 450$ for a smart bracelet and also a year guarantee and a half year access to all functions of the NUTIS app.

Discounts: It is unreal to get a database with all exotic products so we are providing a 5% discount for one month if the user uploads more than 150 photos of dishes that we do not have in our database. If a person uploads more than 500 photos he receives a 15% discount for the next month. Rural price for one month of using our app is 3,20 $ but if a person wants to buy access for a full year it will cost only 2,80$ per month.

Целевое назначение инвестиций

For completing the SMM strategy;
Developing a marketing strategy;
Developing design;
Receiving international patent;
Minimize all sizes of overlay and bracelet;
Develop a prototype of the second complex.

Предложение инвестору

Will be discussed personally

Команда или Руководство

Прохождение Инкубационных/Акселерационных программ

Participation in UF incubator

Победы в Конкурсах и другие награды

Qualified to the national stage of Diamond Challenge
Prize of the President of Ukraine at the Sikorsky Challenge
Participation in the Innovation Market


We have already applied for a utility model.


Фото 1 - Automate all manual processes connected with food control
Фото 2 - Automate all manual processes connected with food control
Фото 3 - Automate all manual processes connected with food control
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