This business project is about to create mobile application which will give an opportunity to every citizen and guest of Lviv rent an e-scooter for a couple of minutes.
Текущее состояние
Looking for invetors or loans. We are ready to start business in 4 month after investments. Presentation is ready. Application structure is ready and developer is ready to start the project.
Potential customers for our project are people from 18 up to 55 years old.
Each user after 18 years old can download application, reset through it e-scooter and start ride.
Проблема или Возможность
This business project is about to create mobile application which will give an opportunity to every citizen and guest of Lviv rent an e-scooter for a couple of minutes.
Such concept is very popular in Europe and USA. And now we are going to share with you all the details of our project.
The biggest daily issues of megapolis is traffic. You spending a lot of time in traffic. And in our life time is money. So imagine you have a mobility spots at every metro station, public places, business areas to pick up the easy and cheap transport that can take you from point A to point B. With this idea as all the world now we are following "Go Green" motion.
Решение (Продукт или Услуга)
Why this project perfect for Lviv?
1.We are going to be first in this type of business in Lviv.
2.It is the right time to launch our idea as all traffic interchange growing and evolving.
3.E-scooters become popular all over the world, as well this project following idea of Eco friendly lifestyle it means not only comfortable it is ecological support as well.
This type of business is very easy to scalling and adopt on other cities.
There are two big companies on the European market and USA. Such as Lime and Bird. In Ukraine there is no competitors right now. If we will be first company on the market we will have possibility to create well known and recognisable brand. In future we can scale this business easily.
Преимущества или дифференциаторы
Functionality of our application will be improved and we will have new functions of applications.
Making research we found more comfortable and more strongest e-scooters which will be not damaged fast.
All rights of application will be reserved on us. Model of our e-scooters will be also reserved on the factory.
Financial model:
A-Amount of e-scooters(450)
B-Amount of daily rent(2$ average)
C-Average amount of the trip(3)
D-Amount of days in the month(30)
Let assume that we have 450 e-scooters in town and customers will rent them 3 times in one day. Here we have a formula: 450*2*3*30=81000 usd.
Also we have more detailed Cash Flow where we calculated all incomes and spendings.
Business model:
Create mobile application, buy e-scooters, adopt IOT. Then put e-scooters on the streets and start get money from rent.
Целевое назначение инвестиций
Money will be spent on:
Buying e-scooters
Create mobile application
Money for first 6 months to keep company worked and develop.
Buying cars which will take e-scooters from the streets and charge them on our storage.
Creation of brand book, broker payments, deposit for storage and office.
Предложение инвестору
We offer 49%, however we can negotiate all the details during our future meetings.
We assume that 10% of our scooters will be stolen or damaged. We calculate our financial model including such risks. Also we will create an technical department which will fix and renovate e-scooters, change parts etc.