Фото - Business Algorithms: Book Everything

Business Algorithms: Book Everything


Украина, город Киев
Отрасль: Интернет и ИТ, Недвижимость, Туризм, спорт, Услуги, сервис
Стадия проекта: Готов прототип или продукт

Дата последнего изменения: 26.01.2020
На страницу владельца
equalizer из 2000
Рассчитывается по оценкам и заполненности проекта (подробнее о рейтингах)
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With our products clients can extend their WordPress to the complete booking system as easy as it possible!

Booking plugin for WordPress allows you to establish rapidly a website for rental/reservation of any objects with different rules for calculating rent (by days, nights, events) and even manage these objects on one site, and fully support modern calendar/back-office/payment gateway.

It is suitable for many Small and Medium Businesses which cannot afford expensive heavy-weight industrial solutions for businesses.

Текущее состояние

Freemium product - both free and paid - developed since 2017
Paid extensions/pligins developed mid 2018-mid 2019

Distribution - wordpress.org and ThemeForest.net
Parner program established July 2019
First Joint product expected to be released Mar 2020

Traction - 4600+ total downloads (free product)
100+ installations
Sales of customization and support received


Building websites today is easier than ever before and available to anyone thanks to WordPress - the most popular website content management system (CMS) in use.

You can simply install WordPress in 5 minutes on any shared hosting and run your beautiful website or blog without any programming skills.

That is why WordPress is used by 34.7% of all the websites in a world today. The second CMS is used by only 2.7% of all the websites.

With our products (WordPress plugins/extensions) the clients can extend their WordPress to the complete booking system just in a couple simple steps: download BA Book Everything plugin, setup demo content in one click, edit demo content with own data to start selling.

We make complete web booking systems as simple to use as it possible!
Our booking plugin – one booking engine for any rental/booking business


WordPress market:
Free solutions
• Plugins – extend standard WordPress blog to any other site: online store, community, rentals, listing/directory, etc.
• Themes – change the design of WordPress, they look like site template that is ready to use just “out of the box”.
Paid solutions
• Plugins for specific business requirements (average $50-$100)
• Full-featured themes with advanced settings and customer support (average $50-$70)
• Custom solutions (about $10-$25/working hour)

The main platform for selling WordPress products is ThemeForest (https://themeforest.net, actually a monopolist)

One theme sold on ThemeForest brings developers an average of $ 100,000 a year (2,000 product downloads per year). Top authors get about $ 1 million (20,000 downloads per year).

WordPress reservation systems and themes

Booking themes on ThemeForest are in constant demand (on average, 2000 product downloads per year). At the same time, the creation of each new theme for the author is associated with a large cost for programming the reservation system. They create a separate system for each new theme for: hotels, hostels, travel agencies, cars, events, rent of sports goods, etc. Most ThemeForest authors cannot afford the development of a reservation system, they are engaged in the creation of a modern design and use ready-made plugins for the functional part of the product.

The competition in booking themes on ThemeForest is noticeably less than in other segments

Проблема или Возможность

Clients' pain: absence of affordable and high-quality platform for
rapid booking site development for Small and Medium Businesses (hostels, mini-hotels, co-workings, etc.)

Existing solutions either
* Very Expensive
* Incomplete or rigid
* Too simple
* Based on legacy e-commerce platform - very hard to customize and Support

Решение (Продукт или Услуга)

With our products clients can extend their WordPress to the complete booking system as easy as it possible!

Booking plugin for WordPress allows you to establish rapidly a website for rental/reservation of any objects with different rules for calculating rent (by days, nights, events) and even manage these objects on one site, and fully support modern calendar/back-office/payment gateway

• Booking plugin (free)– one booking engine for any rental/booking business
• Couple important paid extensions - 
 Back Office, payment gateway, custom themes


wordpress.org free booking themes law-quality/simple booking Also themes/plugins at


Existing solutions are rather very simple, lack of modern and flexible back-end for, say, setting various rates for time and day of the week, discounts etc

Most authors cannot afford the development of a reservation system, plugins for the functional part of the product. Competition in booking
they are engaged in the creation of a modern design and use ready-made
themes on ThemeForest is noticeably less than in other segments

BA Book Everything is the first plugin that allows you to make a website for rental/reservation of any objects with different rules for calculating rent (by days, nights, events) and even manage these objects on one site.

Преимущества или дифференциаторы


One-click “Demo Setup”
Booking rules for nights, days or event booking
Custom categories (tours, hotels, apartments, cars, events etc.) with own booking rules
Easy to create custom taxonomies from the administrator screen to use them when editing booking objects
Easy to create schedule and prices
Flexible rate rules: minimum/maximum booking period, days of the week to which the rate applies, days of the week in which the reservation can be started
Rule constructor for flexible prices based on number of the guests or/and number of the days/nights
Setup prices for any age categories (customizable)
Flexible Availability Calendar
Cyclic availability: schedule items availability every N days for M days. Useful for cruises and other types of rentals with cycles other than a week
Exclude certain dates from availability calendar
Search form builder
Promotional: discount Coupons, discounted prices with time constraints

Full control on the Checkout process – e-mail confirmations and notifications, customizable booking form, checkout form, option for manually availability confirmation (both email and admin dashboard)

Availability calendar with prices, synchronized with booking form widget
Widgets: booking form, search form, taxonomy terms filter, prices filter
Shortcode all-items
5 star rating integrated with WP comments
Services and FAQ post types
Google Maps API intergrated to show address map or find nearest meeting points (for tours etc.)
Internationalized and Translation ready
Multilanguage support for qTranslate-x plugin
Hooks for customization (developers)

Available in Addons:

PayPal payments
Credit Cards payments with Stripe, including 3D Secure, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay and the Payment Request API
Backend bookings from dashboard: creating, editing, cancelation, manual refund (full or partial)
Editing/cancelation orders for both customers and administrators, extra charge, full or partial refund
Custom refund rules
iCal synchronization
anything else on request

You can also request customization via contact form.


Our Book Everything is the first plugin that allows you to make a website for rental/reservation of any objects with different rules for calculating rent (by days, nights, events) and even manage these objects on one site. One free solution for all types of booking sites.

Based on it, we sell plugins for accepting PayPal, Stripe, etc. payments ($ 49), backoffice plugin ($ 89), themes ($ 59 - $ 69).

The main strategy: entering the partnership (50% / 50%) with the authors fr om ThemeForest, wh ere we provide BA Book Everything tweaking for their design, license the inclusion of payment gateways in the theme package (cost separately $ 49), provide technical support for all user questions to the booking system, our code updates and bug fixes.

The number of potential partner-authors of ThemeForest is about 4000.

Estimation of the number of partners that can be obtained from direct sales statistics: 40.

Expected income from 1 partner per 1 theme: about $ 50,000 - $ 75,000 per year.

Инвестировано в прошлых раундах, $


* Freemium (simple theme for free, payment gateway Distribution:
and back-end plugin - paid)
* Income fr om direct sales and paid services

The main strategy: entering the partnership (50% / 50%) with the authors from ThemeForest, wh ere we provide BA Book Everything tweaking for their design, license the inclusion of payment gateways in the theme package (cost separately $ 49), provide technical support for all user questions to the booking system, our code updates and bug fixes.

Целевое назначение инвестиций

As partnership program develops, we need more resources for business development and distribution. Currently founders handle programming and design functions as well as negotiations and support

At least 1 programmer (part time to full time) to be hired to extend negotiations with others and provide customization and support.

Founders will do sales and scaling instead.

Предложение инвестору

We consider 3% to 10% share offer at this stage, with minimum check of USD 7000



ThemeForest.Net is a closed marketplace with severe and concise moderation on both UX/UI and Features level. For any new independent developer is very hard to fit those (often informal) requirements.

So our distribution and sales severely depend on join ventures with existing successful authors from ThemeForest.Net. Though our first experience and sale estimate show this risk is not so serious.

Прохождение Инкубационных/Акселерационных программ


Победы в Конкурсах и другие награды

1 оценка
Добавить в избранное
Удалить из избранных
Не нравится
Текущее состояние
Проблема или Возможность
Решение (Продукт или Услуга)
Преимущества или дифференциаторы
Инвестировано в прошлых раундах, $
Целевое назначение инвестиций
Предложение инвестору
Команда или Руководство
Прохождение Инкубационных/Акселерационных программ
Победы в Конкурсах и другие награды
Видео о продукте