The idea of my project is to make phone app (also pc version), which will give people opportunity to find pair for your pet. It will not provide sex services, the owners will be able to negotiate after a connection in real life. There are also a lot of ideas about paid features (very attractive), which can make the application popular
Текущее состояние
I have only idea, but I have ability to find people who will make it real very quickly
All of people, who have animals
Проблема или Возможность
The problem is, that if you want to find pair for your pet, you need to do a lot of stuff, and you can't check interactive his/her medical record etc. So it's a problem to have a big choice of animals, and check all of info about him
Решение (Продукт или Услуга)
There is a solve to make this app, so you can easily check another animal: age, photos, abilities, diseases, vaccinations. It will be really quikly
There is no same apps, I never seen, and I tried to find, but i failed
Преимущества или дифференциаторы
color of wool matching service, etc
We will sell a paid services inside app, so we need to make a model, and I can tell about it
Целевое назначение инвестиций
I need it to find developers/designers/buy some technical things to do a project.
Предложение инвестору
I am not very interested in money for myself, only for the project.
Only one risk is starting auditory. Because we need good database to offer animals for people. But there is easy solve to make a good starting advertisement