Today we face the situation when there is a lack of reliable information in media. Also, there is no effective mechanism for civil society, European authorities to control Ukraine in its international obligations regarding Association Agreement implementation. We want to create a single integrated information resource, which would allow national and international civil society, bodies, organizations and institutions, media to track the process of Association Agreement implementation, to receive accurate and reliable information on the European integration of Ukraine.
Текущее состояние
Prepared BP and some activities are running
1) NGOs, whose activities are related with European integration;
2) Ukrainian and international experts in politics, foreign policy, international relations, political and legal programs, etc;
3) international bodies, institutions and organizations which monitor Ukraine's implementation of its commitments to the EU, also the embassies of European countries in Ukraine;
4) authorities which are responsible for Association Agreement implementation (ministries, Government Office for European Integration, Cabinet of Ministries etc.);
5) media;
6) part of civil society which considers a priority direction of Ukrainian foreign policy the relations with the EU and is interested Association Agreement.
Проблема или Возможность
Today we face the situation when there is a lack of reliable information in media. Also, there is no effective mechanism for civil society, European and American authorities to control Ukraine in its international obligations regarding Association Agreement implementation.
There are several causes of this problem: courts in Ukraine are bringing to liability for spreading false information very rarely, Ukrainian authorities are not interested in and by all possible ways are trying to avoid of establishing a control mechanism of performance of their international obligations.
Решение (Продукт или Услуга)
Our team wants to create a single integrated information resource (its name is “Zvitter”), which would allow national and international civil society, bodies, organizations and institutions, media to track the process of Association Agreement implementation, to receive accurate and reliable information on the European integration of Ukraine. Also, Zvitter will establish an effective dialogue between civil society and authorities.
If our organization do not solve this problem, the public still won`t have a single source of pressure and control over the authorities regarding pro-European changes, will be no single complex source of reliable and checked information, will be no mechanism of monitoring by international community the process of Ukrainian eurointegration and fulfilling its obligations, effective transatlantic dialog on this subject will be unachievable.
Theare are some platforms but they don't such services.
Преимущества или дифференциаторы
1) Create “Zvitter” – platform for legal news analysis in the context of Association Agreement. All news is Zvitter will be checked by experts from all over the Ukraine and the world. To get an access as an expert, the person would need to pass authorization. After this simply procedure an expert will have a possibility of checking and commenting news. All other Zvitter users will see their evaluations and comments.
2) Create a single source of reliable and checked information.
3) Create an instrument for international bodies to monitor the Association Agreement implementation and fulfilling of Ukraine obligations to them.
4) Create an instrument for civil society to make pressure on Ukrainian authorities by involving a huge number of experts from all over the world in checking news in Zvitter.
5) Hold several Euroatlanticconferences in Kyiv with the participation of the EU and the USA authorities’ representatives to establish an effective international dialogue on the problems of Ukrainian eurointegration.