Фото - ND Green Roof Systems

ND Green Roof Systems

Green roofs as solution for urban water management

Украина, Волынская область
Отрасль: Консалтинг, Машиностроение, Недвижимость, Производство, Строительство
Стадия проекта: Действующий бизнес

Дата последнего изменения: 24.01.2021
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As landscape architecture and engineering bureau we are specialized in sustainable solutions in ecological and construction technical questions in urban landscape. As USP we use our Green roof system but we have a full package of green sustainable solutions which support ecology, energy-efficiency and human wellfare in intensive used urban areas.

We import from The Netherlands several products as well we produce by ourselves in Ukraine for the local market. Beside this we started in 2020 with export of a composite product for buildings and terraces to Europe.

Текущее состояние

Since 2017 we started to develop our position at Ukrainian market; first with small try-outs and incidental clients, since 2020 we are involved in bigger building projects for consult, design, supply and installations. We also produce in Ukraine.

We have actual 3 running projects with in this a total turn over more than 10 Mio Grivna. At this moment we have 5 more granted projects and around 20 potential.


Our B to B clients are the middle and high segment of building companies situated all over Ukraine. We operate mainly in West and Middle Ukraine in the circle Lviv, Lutsk, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odessa.
Beside this we have some private clients as well in Lviv and Volyn region as in Kyiv at this moment.

The potential market is huge! Ukraine is an upcoming market where still mainly is to find the old Sovjet building and infrastructure. We are involved in the revitalisation process of all those cities in where also polution and heat island problems are issues which we can solve or at least reduce.

Проблема или Возможность

So far all development of the company is done with own capital. It is our wish to arrange warehousing in Ukraine to be able to supply also for the smaller, more ad hoc, clients which market has a big potential.
Ukrainian culture has the habit of last moment made decisions what makes that we were already several times not able to supply in time. This is not only for small projects but even on tender level.

Beside this it is our wish to grow our team of specialists and arrange the bigger office. Partly we are able to arrange ourselves but search the investor to come to a faster development of company to service more accurate the market.

Решение (Продукт или Услуга)

Our main imported product is the drainage systems for green roofs. Beside this we produce three types of substrates for the urban landscape. When we talk about roofs; this can also be public areas created above shopping malls, underground parkings, railway stations etc. It goes often about big areas of thousands of square meters.

In urban areas is water management often a big issue in where our drainage system and special produces substrates retains the water for many hours what makes that canalization in such case does not have to be modified in capacity (what often even is not possible because of the excisting infrastructure).

But we have also private clients which have with their penthouse the nice area of terraces; this is a niche market fr om clients with the comfortable level of budget in wh ere we take the healthy margins for earning.


There are mainly 2 competitors on this market. The difference is in here that we propose the sustainable products with European certificates and guarantees while the price per m2 are similar. Its for this reason that we conqueror more and more the market.

The best known competitor is Zinco. They operate more than 10 year on Ukrainian market and were before we came monopolist in this sphere. Their cost price per m2 is significant higher as their products are meant more for smaller objects. Zinco is beside this not a producer of their own product but only developer and a sales house. We are producer of our products and for this reason able to modify specifications where needed. Also is our installation process till 70% faster what saves a huge amount in costs.

The second competitor is OptiGreen. They have a small segment of the so called extensive roofs (not for public areas etc.) and we hardly notice that they are on the market.

Beside this there are cheaper Chinese products which we can not take serious in quality; not even one client respecting himself is able to consider such products as alternative. Price differences are even not that big; only around 20%.

In tender projects we see only Zinco as competitor and the good thing is that we won already several times the tender in where Zinco had made their proposal. As indicator: For one client we are now in the proces of supplying around 24 full trucks of material.

Преимущества или дифференциаторы

The drainage systems are a patented product with high bearing capacities, easy to install and produced to use for bigger projects.

The substrates are produced according German FLL norms which are seen worldwide as the leading standard. We are in Ukraine the only one producing according these norms and are working on certification.


To come to result in all regions of Ukraine we started to work with local partners in the main cities. To them we give product training, support in marketing, website etc. Beside this we have the wish to have in office at least two full time sales managers; in what we do ourselves part time gives already current result while potential is many times bigger; we are simply short in hands to act in optimal way.

Prices of our products vary strong fr om the of project; this mainly has to do with function and size of area. In general we can say that we have projects from € 30 till even € 1.000 per m2 in wh ere we arrange all details till turn key ready.

We invite you for a personal conversation to discuss all further details about current results, expectations and vision in how to grow coming 5 year and further.

Инвестировано в прошлых раундах, $

$ 180.000


In a personal meeting we are willing to inform you deeper about our business model, opportunities. We have several type of specialism and long term experience which we consider to be confidential.
The available specialism our branche wide in the sphere of sustainable engineering and ecology. During the years we were involved in several countries in projects in private sphere till international tender level in where also project management was part of our tasks. For this reason we are able to consult deeply in the specific questions from which we know this is rare to find in Ukraine.

Целевое назначение инвестиций

- Warehouse location to be able to act accurate also on the smaller requests (which has a big potential for growth),
- Imported stock, resources of our products and ready products to supply
- Growth of team for sales and product specialist, marketing strategy in each region

Предложение инвестору

Each investor has his own approach of doing business and coming to a trustful cooperation. For this reason is our first goal to come to a common understanding.

Fr om our side we can propose the joint venture in wh ere we agree a return of investment, interest and profit fr om the turn over. It would be nice to find the investor interested in our product and market, enthusiastic to support from own knowledge and experience from wh ere might come a nice long term partnership.
Concrete terms to agree based on amount of investment and all side conditions.

Команда или Руководство


The risks in the product itself is rather low. Fr om factory there is the 25 year guarantee and European certificates. Installation is done by certificated applicants. As main company we work with clear inventarisation documents to exclude responsibilities which are part of the agreement with the clients. Payment conditions are always in such a way that upfront is received at least all direct costs and further with clear terms.

There is of course always a risk of reclamations; for this reason we decided to work as much as possible as consultant and supplier in wh ere third parties (or departments of clients company) care for installation/realisation. There is a protocol for installing and clear parameters about the product in capacity, sizes etc. which are agreed with the producer of our products in where we exclude claims directly to us.

A more difficult thing is that clients in Ukraine in general have the habit to act on last moment or to postpone without clear reason deliveries/installations. That makes that scheduling of job, transport etc. is a challenge.
Also is Ukrainian tax-system a challenge in where on monthly base taxes are paid and where our accountant has to face a lot of bureaucracy. In the bigger projects you face the situation that accountants from clients calculate very strict their budget in combination of returned vat on monthly base.

The good thing is that we face hardly any corruption issue anymore. We have a zero tollerance policy to corruption and our clients know this and choose even also for this reason to work with us.

Прохождение Инкубационных/Акселерационных программ

We are connected with EBA, European Business Association in Ukraine. Beside this we are member of the Ukrainian association of Architects.
On regular base we make a tour of master classes in where we invite in the different cities the local investors, architects, developers etc.
Last year, just before quarantine period started we had in 5 cities such events in where in total hunderds participants visited us. This gave as result 2 projects in Odessa and one in Kharkiv as well that relationships are tightened.
For this year we will repeat the same strategy.

Further we are yearly participant on the InterBuild and EuroBuild Kyiv exhibitions; this gives mainly as result the positive branding.

Победы в Конкурсах и другие награды

In our sphere there are no local competitions to find but we are happy to be invited to cooperate in several joint ventures of building companies as well we won several tender projects for supplying and realization.

Details of our (actual) client portfolio, type of tenders and cooperations we consider as confidential and is possible to discuss in a next stage in our personal meeting.


Patent numbers/product rights we consider to be confidential but we give you here the general product descriptions:
- Assortment of drainage systems
- Tree anchor systems
- Substrates
- Wood composites

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