Фото - Aparto


New standards of residential living downtown capital city

Украина, город Киев
Отрасль: Недвижимость, Строительство
Стадия проекта: Готов прототип или продукт

Дата последнего изменения: 27.12.2020
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We are bringin a new level of stardard for residential apartments situated downtown capital cities, for the new generations of citizens. With high added value for investor. With unseen level of thoughtfulness, energy efficiency, technical content. Business model: rental/selling operations.

Текущее состояние

We have made a fully working MVP.
Our model is compact apartment with the size of 28 sq. m.
All further numbers where proven by real market:

We have bought an apartment at a price of 19900$
Made a renovation: 8.400$
Found a buyer on real market: 47.000$
Net profit: 60%
We dont need any investments for R&D, we have finished all the researches and ready to start making product: buy/renovate/sell/ receive profit.


Our clients:
modern people living in the center of capitals, who value their time, comfort and money. They cannot imagine themselves without being in the center of business activity or cultural life. Also, our audience is tourists or employees of foreign companies who come to the capital at work time.
As for the number of such clients, they are in the tens / hundreds of thousands. We think the market price is in the region of 3bln $. The global market is 100 times larger.

Проблема или Возможность

Our future clients are young and middle-aged people, active, modern, responsible for ecology and consumption, who want to be in the center of events, business and cultural life. They are the ones who need compact, comfortable, efficient, high-tech apartments for living in which they will rest, replenish their energy and even work. No extra square meters for which you need to spend and which are not used in any way.
There is a problem of lack of quality small apartments in the central districts of the capital at a reasonable price. Our team felt it personally when we were looking for such apartments. After our research, we saw that this niche is not occupied, and that there is a great opportunity to provide the market with such a product.
Also, after conducting our own research, we saw that clients are willing to pay more for a smaller footage given that the apartment is modern, energy efficient and comfortable.

Решение (Продукт или Услуга)

We have found a very elegant and simple solution to the problem: in the center of the capital, there are large-size apartments without renovation, at a reasonable price per sq.m. Our idea is to buy such apartments, divide them into several small ones, make renovations in them according to all modern standards, and sell / rent to end users.
Thus, we solve all problems: we get the best locations, the best footage, the best renovation and modern home appliances.


There are no direct competitors, as noone made a single company with single brand name and one level of quality of product.
We have alternative competitors, but they can provide only some of the features but not all in one product. (location, size, compliance, etc).
Inderect competitors are indivuduals who own property and rent it out as it is , not making any serious modernization to it.

Преимущества или дифференциаторы

Our main andvantage is seeing the opportunity where others dont.
We want to hit the market with one brand name and one high standards of quality and after that noone will be able to catch up with us.
We want to start with first 12 apartments stated in pitch deck, thus occupying this niche and not giving competitors room for maneuverability.
Our advantege is experience, focus on details, knowing the customers needs and understanding of nearest future of residential apartments.


We have two business models:
1. Sell our product
If we are selling our product to end customer we receive 50-80% ROI
If all investments will go as planned, in a 5 years we plan to receive net profit of 4-5m $.
2. Rent out our product
If we are tenting our product to end customer, we receive 14-22% ROI per year.
In 5 years
If all investments will go as planned, in a 5 years we plan to receive net profit of 3,5m $ that is around 700.000$ per year.


Business model:
1. Buy big apartment
2. Divide into small ones
3. Make renovation
4. Sell apartment/rent out apartment
5. Receive profit
6. Move on to next apartments
7. Move on to next capitals
For sell and rent we re going to use popular market places in each region.

Целевое назначение инвестиций

1. Buying apartments
2. Division and renovation
3. Selling/renting out

We will not spent money on R&D. They will go straigh for making profit.

Предложение инвестору

We offer an investor/investors to become shareholders of our company and receive profit regarding the size of their shares.
The size of the shares is a subject of negotiations.

Команда или Руководство


We dont see straigh risks to our startup. The only possible risk is a significant drop in price of the real estate but that is not possible in nearest future because the prices already droped and now its a best time to buy real estate in capital city. Now its the best time to buy.
Plus we are always backed up by 2 business models: we rent out if we want to wait for good price, or we sell if we receive good price proposition for our product. So our product is always working for investors.

Прохождение Инкубационных/Акселерационных программ

We did not take part in any yet.
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