Handling data in paper form, on data carriers and digitally

Украина, город Киев
Отрасль: Услуги, сервис, Франчайзинг, Бумажная, Другое
Стадия проекта: Действующий бизнес

Дата последнего изменения: 07.05.2020
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Reisswolf Ukraine is a Ukrainian startup open through German franchise in 2019, responsible and reliable document and data repository (archive storage) for paper forms and data carriers of all kinds. We offer 360-degree data management cycle and security from a single source: we offer recyclable data destruction, paper document - digitalization, processing, indexing, archiving and storing in line with data protection legislation.

Текущее состояние

Currently the project is kicked off in Ukraine: all the minimum necessary operational equipment is put in place, archive facility and scanning center is built up and ready to serve the customers.


Mass Media and Telecommunication corporations, Pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies, Private and State Banks, Governmental/Semi-Governmental entities, Real Estate agencies, State Archives and Libraries, Small, Medium and Large Business Owners.

Проблема или Возможность

The dictionary of Ukrainian modern language and slang "Myslova" called the term "digitalization" the word of the year 2019. This neologism came to Ukrainian fr om English only a few years ago. It signifies changes in all spheres of public life related to the use of digital technologies. "Digitization" topped the ranking of the most popular words in 2019. This was accompanied by recent term popularization, aided by the emergence of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ukrainian government's course on digitization.

Firs of all, we continue to build public awareness among potential customers in Ukraine, local companies should reject the outdated model of document storage and management. Rooms, cellars, attics, closets, dusty shelves and any other places wh ere up to this day many Ukrainian enterprises keep their documents have repeatedly proved insecurity and low operational efficiency in view of not observing fire safety, that leads to fires or flooding basements with rats and insects, which may lead to a partial or complete loss of documents and sensitive data, whether it is in paper form or on digital carriers.

Secondly, we pro-actively represent company's product / services on all social media platforms, as well as, participate in major innovative forums and exhibitions. (like IFORUM, Kyiv in fall, 2020 - Expected attendance >13,000 people)

Thirdly, we are negotiating with a number of state / semi-state institutions (including state archives and libraries) which are not able to provide documents storage to many companies due to the lack of free space in the state archives, or wish to preserve the historical value and cultural heritage of many shabby documents by digitizing them.

Last but not least, we do not hesitate to use all classic sales methods, like active and passive sales (B2B & B2C), personal and impersonal (specialized web resources for accountants and business owners), direct and indirect. (independent, freelance archivists)

We head forward to sustainable society development, as well as we care about maintaining our green planet, in context of global warming problem. That’s why we want to preserve nature and different animal species from extinction. We can accomplish this mission, with your help, through the process of digitalization of our society, which means the reduction of felling of trees and eco recycling. Moreover, digitalization process in Ukraine will consolidate the historical heritage of our country, help business, government and semi-government organizations be transparent, reduce corruption and prevent governmental owned archive facilities from unexpected fires, which happens on a regular basis in Ukraine and causes damage of billions UAH annually.

Решение (Продукт или Услуга)

1. Reisswolf f.i.t. (file information technology) - Audit-compatible, digital-cloud archive (DMS system) that provides high-speed access with convenient search functionality. No hardware or software required, an access to information is possible at any time via Reisswolf f.i.t., German security servers guarantee a secure protection of your data 24/7, GDPR compliant.

2. Reisswolf e.l.sy (electronic lock system) - replaces the conventional mechanical lock by state-of-the-art RFID technology, (RFID chip card instead of metal key) Individual locking rights, (no risk due to lost keys - lost keycards can be blocked, lock closes automatically when lid is closed) full control due to container tracking & event recording, (internal security breaches can be discovered early, possibility to retrace old events) reports and statistics, (overview about the movement of your sensible data) adjustable lid open alarm, (acoustic alarm, when the maximum lid-open-time is reached) scalable system extensions (complete container monitoring – e.g. real time location identification, alarm secured container location surveillance)

3. Reisswolf RWAM - CRM for customer's archive inventory.


OSG Records, UAC.

Преимущества или дифференциаторы

x 1000+ employees globally
x 60.000.000+ pages being digitized annually
x 10.000.000+ documents being processed and stored annually
x 100+ tons of information being destroyed annually
x 35 years of effective document management experience
x 10+ years of experience providing services of “Complete Archive Cycle 360”


The price is not fixed, as there are couple of indicators which you must consider for a pricing, and can not be biased on, such as: volumes, document process complicity, deadlines, other related customer requirements. That's why we treat each of our customers in individual manner and our price list is aligned to different client needs accordingly.


To begin with, as franchiser is of German origin, I take Germany as a role model to calculate first numerical estimations on my product-market fit.

The niche potential of the market for document management and storage in Germany is calculated with simple formula - consider the demand of 1 archive box per 1 citizen, so market potential for the country with population of 83.000.000 million people is roughly 83.000.000 archive boxes.

Now, in regards of Ukraine, total population is around 35.000.000 people, but considering that Ukraine is less developed country, I consider my market demands estimations on archive folders, rather than on archive boxes, as previously for Germany. Based on the following, Ukraine has a niche potential of the market of roughly 7.000.000 archive boxes (5 archive folders per 1 archive box) Each archive folder contains 250 files/pages (non-archive folders may be even wider), so we have at least 1250 pages per archive box. In total we have: 7.000.000 x minimum 1250 pages = 8,750,000.000 pages potentially to be digitalized.

Our long-term MVP goal is to accustom Ukrainian based companies, enterprises, government, semi-government organizations and entities to manage their documents and data distantly, thru high quality DaD management companies outsourcing services. It is comfortable, safe and reliable solution, which among other things, allows all of the above stakeholders to save on maintaining internal document archives up to 30%. In other words, all DaD management in one smartphone, no application installation required. As soon as customer paper documents and other physical information carriers arrives to our archive facility storage, processed, indexed and disposed on equipped shelves, client immediately gets access to all his informational provision, and at any time can initiate the service related request online (document value examination, seizure and documents delivery to the client’s office, paper digitization and destruction, etc.)

Only recently, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine has launched online governmentally regulated platform “ДіЯ” (“State and I”) the main mission of which, is to ensure the interaction between the state and the citizens of Ukraine as comfortable and convenient as possible, without long waiting live lines or appointments. Now you can apply for a driver’s license online via application, as well as request many other issued by the state documents, which once again proves the commitment and attitude of Ukrainians to society digitalization and the transition of many areas of public activity to digital format.

Working continuously since 1985, when it has been founded in Germany, REISSWOLF has managed to gain a reputation as a high-quality and reliable DaD service provider in Europe, Asia and Africa. Among hundreds of clients who trust REISSWOLF are BAT, Mibrag, Senvion, Claus Goedecke, European Handball Federation, Hamburg Airport, etc.

In Ukraine, we are negotiating with a number of mass media channels, telecommunication corporations, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies and banks to dispose their DaD archives in our specially equipped storage premises in Kyiv.

Целевое назначение инвестиций

To purchase/produce essential equipment/operational inventory required in order to provide all round-up services, listed above, such as:

x RW240 containers with e.l.sy. locks (These containers with e.l.sy locks are essential for business developing and promotion for a few reasons. On the one hand, they are used on a floor for collecting and storing paper documents and waste, which we collect for utilization and recycling, on another hand, for example – banks, regularly use them to keep completed customer forms and other paperwork arising from the daily activities safe inside, to comply with GDPR and preserve personal sensitive information from the data leakage, until we come to collect it from them, transfer it to our secure and fully equipped warehouse and index it into our system, in order to display the following data in the client virtual office)

x RWU exhibition stand and photowall (An exhibition stands and a photowall to participate in iFORUM2020, the largest, annual IT forum in Ukraine, held since 2009 (2019 attendance - 13.800 people) and other outstanding public events to promote ideas of document management outsource services, digitization of paper workflow and its environmentally friendly destruction)

x High Security Paper / CD Shredders (Most businesses need more than just a shredder. We not only destroy all types of media, whether its sensitive data stored on CD’s or classified documents on paper, but also supply our customers with the certification of being environmentally friendly/” eco-friendly”, when their office waste paper and documents are disposed of and recycled materials are sent for reclamation. )

x Scanning Services (Professional high volumes scanning machines, equipment, softwares and Server database add-on

Предложение инвестору

We are interested in all types of partnership.

Команда или Руководство

Прохождение Инкубационных/Акселерационных программ

Originally founded in 1985 in Hamburg, Reisswolf has a long history of success and development, proved by 35 years of experience and high-quality services. As for now, Reisswolf is represented worldwide: all over the Europe, Asia and even on the African continent, through 68 representative offices and supported by more than 1000 employees globally. Despite the impressive performance all over the world: 60 million pages of digitization, 10 (2 million archive boxes) million documents archived and 105 tons of documents destroyed annually, for Ukraine, this is a new, but more relevant than ever solution for business and DaD management, which allows enterprises to use high-qualified outsourcing services to save up to 30% when transferring to us: their DaD and optimizing paper work through digitization and virtual electronic access to their own internal archives.

Победы в Конкурсах и другие награды

RRISM International Recognized, NAID-Europe, European Privacy Seal award, DQS Recognized.


Reisswolf e.l.sy (electronic lock system) - replaces the conventional mechanical lock by state-of-the-art RFID technology, (RFID chip card instead of metal key) Individual locking rights, (no risk due to lost keys - lost keycards can be blocked, lock closes automatically when lid is closed) full control due to container tracking & event recording, (internal security breaches can be discovered early, possibility to retrace old events) reports and statistics, (overview about the movement of your sensible data) adjustable lid open alarm, (acoustic alarm, when the maximum lid-open-time is reached) scalable system extensions (complete container monitoring – e.g. real time location identification, alarm secured container location surveillance)

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