Fifteen million people suffer stroke worldwide each year,
Six million of these are die, and another six are become disabled
Value proposition
Thirteen million people can be saved. Early detection massively mitigates damage caused by strokes and reduces the mortality rate.
Every day 2 hours use Insula increases the possibility of early stages disease detection by 90%.
Текущее состояние
1. We have MVP in our laboratory;
2. Have a prototype of wearable device without electronics inside
3. Have done good research work and prove of our concept
Actually, most people after 40 are at risk of cardiovascular and neurological diseases, but first of all we consider those that already have these problem.
It is almost 1 billion people.
Проблема или Возможность
Every day 2 hours using of wearable EEG gadget increases the possibility of early stages disease detection by 80%.
Most medical grade monitors are meant for in-hospital use
Lack of resources at the clinic to monitor all at-risk people at least once a week
Inability of at-risk people to visit doctors more often
Real-time remote tracking and detection of alert events
Ability to warn in time, send alert notification to medic, relatives and user
Ability to capture vitals and correlate with activity, predict recurring risk factors
Решение (Продукт или Услуга)
Our wearable EEG gadget can clearly detect mini-stroke attack and warn about it.
Our wearable EEG gadget can clearly detect pre-stroke conditions and warn about it.
accuracy of technology, recognition algorithms and sensors.
own microchip for EEG, big experience, good marketing
Преимущества или дифференциаторы
Transient ischaemic attack, or TIA (also known as a mini-stroke) is the same as a stroke, except that the symptoms last for less than 24 hours.
A TIA should be treated as seriously as a full stroke. Full strokes often happen after a mini-stroke. About half of all strokes that occur after a TIA, happen within 24 hours.
5% - at 48 hours; 8% - at one week; 12% at one month; 17% at 3 months.
Our wearable EEG gadget can clearly detect mini-stroke attack and warn about it.
Our wearable EEG gadget can clearly detect pre-stroke conditions and warn about it.
Private persons after 40, psychology and psychiatric researchers, Big Data (pharma, clinics), athletes, big companies, insurance companies.Pricing: basic - 299$, extended - 399$;Monthly subscription - 14,99$Pay-as-you-go price - 1,99$ (19,99$min)
Целевое назначение инвестиций
1. R&D in the field of biosensors, neuroscience and cardiovascular deceases - 50K$;
2. Hardware development (PCB, scheme, design) - 50k$;
3. Software development for web, mobile and deep learning in the cloud - 50k$;
4. Marketing strategy and business model development - 50K$;